The Electronic Orchestra Charlottenburg – Music from Graphical Scores at Curt-Sachs-Saal (Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung) / Saturday, 10.2.2018

12 electronic and electroacoustic instruments, live spatialized on a 12-speaker system – the Electronic Orchestra Charlottenburg (EOC), a project of the Electronic Music Studio at TU Berlin, explores means of organizing and spatializing the seemingly infinite diversity of electronic sounds in a larger ensemble.

In this concert, three graphical scores are used in very different ways, in order to define the musical structure: Cornelius Cardew – Treatise [1967], Mark Applebaum – The Metaphysics of Notation [2008], Henrik von Coler – Discount [UA]

The EOC was founded at the Electronic Music Studio at TU Berlin within a seminar of the Audio Communication Group. It offers a platform for developing and applying new instruments and concepts in the realm of electroacoustic music. Currently it consists of 12 participants, among whom are students and alumni of different backgrounds as well as external musicians:

Anyere Bendrien [Semimodular Synthesizer], Nicole Lujan [Processed Recordings], Jonas Margraf [Semimodular/Modular Synthesizer], David Runge [Modular Synthesizer], Klaus Scheuermann [Modular Synthesizer] Viktor Schlüter [Analog Synthesizer], Andreas Schuller [Modular Synthesizer], Juan Song [Guqin], Pascal Staudt [PushPull], Canberk Turan [Digital Effects], Lucas Weidinger [Modular Synthesizer], Fabian Werfel [Effects/Feedback System] and Henrik von Coler [Spatialisation, concept]

The Electronic Orchestra Charlottenburg – Music from Graphical Scores

10.2.2018 | Doors 17:30 CET | Starts 18:00 CET
Curt-Sachs-Saal (Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung) | Tiergartenstraße 1 (Enter from Ben-Gurion-Straße) | 10785 Berlin

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