D/B Recommended: Actual Russian Brides & Manekinekod in Berlin @ Madame Claude | 23.10.2010

Ever a a hive of multi-cultural activity, this saturday our favourite French bar hosts live music from Australia and Greece in the form of Actual Russian Brides from Sydney and Manekinekod from Athens.

[audio:ACTUAL RUSSIAN BRIDES – Puppet.mp3]Both acts are celebrating recent releases on Brigade Music so be prepared for a blast of fresh electronic-pop. Actual Russian Brides from Sydney deliver a sexy, deliberate downtempo vibe driven by the restless lyrics of Lull (Elena Knox) and electronic goodness by media jockey partner Baby Swindle (Lindsay Webb).

Born East Berlin winter 2009, Actual Russian Brides are set to go: an appealing two-piece busting to tour and already on the airwaves. Set-up involves analogue synths, drum machines, multiple mics and unpredictable instruments. A.R.B. eschew the ubiquitous laptop, providing instead a visual and evocative live show.

Manekinekod is the musical project of Eleni Adamopoulou

brigade-music is a Berlin based label focusing on Experimental Electronica music. It’s concept is to offer a forum for a mutual cooperation between musicians and label regarding the realization and creation of a record and also the distribution of the same. That is to say that the musicians are becoming part of brigade-music for the period of the collaboration ________________________________________________________________

Actual Russian Brides

Saturday, 23.10.2010

Madame Claude | Bar for common people
Lübbenerstr. 19 | 10997 Berlin/Kreuzberg

http://www.myspace.com/madame_claude | Map | http://www.brigade-music.com