Control Unit, Human Larvae, Anemone Tube, Roughledge @ NK Berlin | Friday, 24.01.2014

Control Unit is the duo of Silvia Kastel and Ninni Morgia. They released their first album “The Fugitives” on Backwards which has been highly praised by influential musicians and critics such as Julian Cope, Suicide, Pere Ubu and no wave (Lydia Lunch).

The Wire contributor David Keenan wrote: “phenomenal minimal synth / cold wave / Euro industrial with references to the experiments of Throbbing Gristle and Cabaret Voltaire”.

Control Unit | Jericho

Human Larvae’s performance will be a special collaboration with Chèrie Roi. Chèrie Roi is a performance artist who uses the body as a medium to pass, not through mimetic representation, but as a work of art in its becoming, in its deepest essence.

Active since 2005, HUMAN LARVAE has made his mark in mixing multiple industrial subgenres to his own twisted, doom-laden mix of gloomy power-electronics. An obsessive journey through collpasing human relations and spiritual downfalls culminating in an abrasive soundtrack towards a destination unknown and insecure.

Human Larvae | Trailer

Anemone Tube was founded 1996 in South-Germany; since 2010 based in Berlin. The audio works of Anemone Tube are a unique blend of dark ambient, noise, industrial and soundart with a strong psychogenic impact.

Effectively Anemone Tube achieves a sound that spans the divide between ‘academic’ experimental material and ‘underground’ industrial territory. Likewise within this context Anemone Tube have achieved a particularly unique sound, which these days can be a challenge to say the least within ambient / industrial spheres.

Anemone Tube | The Announcement

Roughledge is the imprint and stage name for Cédric Dambrain – composer, performer and instrument designer based in Brussels. His sonic research includes compositions for ensembles, solo works, electronic/computer music, installations and live performances.

His activity as a composer culminated in the writing of 2012′s In Memoriam F.R. v.3 for processed trumpet and live electronics, to be released on a split 12″ vinyl (Sub Rosa, Belgium).

Cédric Dambrain | Le Soleil Vu Par Atelier XV

He’s currently producing computer-generated material spanning a wide sonic palette, from anarchic electronics to surgical otoacoustic synthscapes – focusing on physiological sound experiments and perception thresholds.

This event is highly recommended by Digital in Berlin! We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets. Just send a mail to with “Control Unit” as the subject.

Control Unit, Human Larvae, Anemone Tube, Roughledge  LIVE
presented by D/B

Friday, 24 January 2014 | 21:30 CET
NK | Elsenstr. 52, 2.Hinterhaus Etage 2 | 12059 Berlin/Neukölln