disPlaced – rePlaced: Cultural Transition of Istanbul and Berlin at Radialsystem / 28-30. July 2017

New Music, electronic, dance performances, video collages and club culture: From July 28th to 30th the German-Turkish interdisciplinary festival #disPlaced – #rePlaced presents artists of Turkish origin in the foreground of the current political situation in their homeland.

The focus will be directed towards those who have been uprooted and have re-rooted themselves in either the European or Berlin diaspora. Furthermore, Istanbul based creatives whose art is politically charged and who fear persecution are invited to the festival. Questions about place, homeland and identity are the focal point and issues of queer communities and women’s rights will be particularly emphasized. Within the framework of the festival discussions, a children’s concert, a reading, two workshops as well as a club night in neighboring Kater Blau will take place.

The project is curated by Berlin and Istanbul based Ipek Ipekçioğlu. With Pınar Selek, Sakina Teyna, Korhan Erel, Maximilian Popp, Cağla Ilk, Emrah Gökmen, Neophon Ensemble & Serdar Dağdelen, Ceyhun Kaya, Kontrabil, Candaş Baş, Stefanie Berndt, Collectif Medz Bazar, Gizem Oruç, Şevval Kılıç, Cymin Samawatie & Korhan Erel Duo, KARMATÜRJİ – Anadolu, Sakina & Anadolu Quartett, ADIRJAM, DJ Şevval, DJ Ipek & VJ Soner.

This event is presented by Digital in Berlin. Check out our Facebook page to win tickets.

disPlaced – rePlaced: Cultural Transition of Istanbul and Berlin

28-30. July 2017
Radialsystem V | Holzmarktstr. 33 | 10243 Berlin/Friedrichshain
