D/B Recommended: Elektronischer Hörgenuss V @ Friedenskirche Berlin | Friday, 23.09.2011

With Elektronischer Hörgenuss V, DIENSTbar presents an ambient evening with electronic music performances, real-time drawn projections & vinyl sculptures.

Performances by three different projects will be presented: ANY, Immagini di Vetro and Vinyl Terror & Horror.

ANY aka Angelina Nina Yeowell spent eight long years as a ballet dancer in Europe and New York City before quitting and un-educating herself in Colorado, where she created and performed many interdisciplinary performance art pieces. She relocated to Berlin in 2008, where she has mostly been doing music but she looks forward to creating her sonic-visual-art-theater again in the near future.

The Immagini di Vetro Project was born in 2007, by an idea of Giulia Spugnoli and her associate Mario Stagi, as research about performing with different semantic forms, to show the creative and communicative experience in the art process. Words, sings, vision, sound, light, symbols, materials and colours in a new compositive logic.

Vinyl Terror & Horror | Youtube Mix

Vinyl Terror & Horror is a collaboration between Camilla Sørensen and Greta Christensen who met at The Royal Art Academy in Copenhagen in 2001 and who have been working together since with sound as a starting point for a continuous and complex sculptural practice which includes: cars, tent constructions, campers and a huge variety of record players and sound equipment.

In the concert situation, a partly improvised narrative of sounds is performed using exclusively modified turntables and vinyl records. Cut up and mistreated records looping and creaking from dust and sloppy treatment.

Pick-ups being pushed disrespectfully over grooves. Records spinning backwards and forwards while played from multiple pick-ups simultaneously. Repetitive arrangements, dark sounds, neck breaking mixes, film-amateur sound effects, scratches, squeeks, vinyls, terror and horror.

ANY & Immagini di Vetro Project & Vinyl Terror and Horror  LIVE
“Elektronischer Hörgenuss V”
presented by DienstBAR

Friday, 23 September 2011 | 19:00 CET
Friedenskirche | Bismarckstr. 40 | 10627 Berlin/Charlottenburg

ANY on Dailymotion | Immagini di Vetro on Vimeo | vinylterrorandhorror.com  |  dienstbar.info | www.die-friedenskirche.de