Photo Credit: Ian Douglas-Moore & Paul N. Roth (c) private
Photo Credit: Ian Douglas-Moore & Paul N. Roth (c) private

And/In w/ Eva-Maria Houben and Seiji Morimoto, Ian Douglas-Moore & Paul N. Roth at ausland / Saturday, 27.5.2023

And/In is the duo of Heather Frasch and Koen Nutters, creating music with objects, text, and vibrations. Shadows and light, audible and inaudible movement, air, liquids, and solids. They conduct musical investigations of objects, bodies, agents, sounds, actions, text and silence. Objects and/in silence. Text and/in sound. Reading and/in actions. A “spatio-vibrational theater workshop” approaching the meaning and the life of objects and humans together.

And/In is a depository of future interests, past dreams, and present influences, a collective storage from which ideas are drawn. A composer-performer workshop in performative space. A real-time confluence of activities on a hyper-personal level. For this performance And/In has invited Eva-Maria Houben and Seiji Morimoto: two like-minded yet very different composer-performers.

Rigobert Dittmann would call it “a home game” for the duo of Ian Douglas-Moore & Paul N. Roth, now based in New-York-City and Tijuana. Mediumloud noise music for saxophone/guitar >>> sonic movements in the land of textural distortions, microtonal manipulations, meandering sound walls, and other ear curiosities.

And / In / plus / invited guests: Eva-Maria Houben/Seiji Morimoto // Duo Ian Douglas-Moore & Paul N. Roth

27.5.2023 | Doors 20:30 | Starts 21:00 CET
ausland | Lychener Strasse 60 | 10437 Berlin | Event @ Facebook
Supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa | Presented by Digital in Berlin
And / In / plus / invited guests: Eva-Maria Houben / Seiji Morimoto
Heather Frasch – objects, flute, voice
Koen Nutters – objects, acoustic guitar
Eva-Maria Houben – objects, piano
Seiji Morimoto – objects, electronics
Ian Douglas-Moore & Paul N. Roth
Ian Douglas-Moore – guitar, electronics
Paul N. Roth – saxophone