Exploded View at Roter Salon / Thursday, 24.05.2018

Live, completely improvised and without second takes, Exploded View recorded their drones, deep-bassline and dub filled, self-titled debut somewhere in the depths of Mexico City on a Tascam 388 8-device. The studio? A carefully equipped sound box which records even the tiniest sound detail. The goal?

Recording the newly formed relationships between singer Anika (Stones Throw) and a line-up of local producers which resulted from a joint Mexico-tour. Following the release of these recordings on the sombre quality label Sacred Bones (Zola Jesus, The Soft Moon, Pharmakon), the band went on worldwide tours and released their EP Summer Came Early. In Spring Exploded View will go on a European tour including the majority of their regular members, jangling noise-pop collages and all sorts of vintage equipment.

Exploded View

Thursday, 24th May 2018 | Doors 19:00 CET | Starts 20:00 CET
Volksbühne Berlin / Roter Salon | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz | 10178
