D/B Recommended: Feedbackorchester @ Friedenskirche Berlin | Sunday, 22.01.2012

The Feebackorchester is a powerful ensemble for ten electric guitars under the conductor ship of well-established session musician Herman Halb.

[audio:xxx-xxx.mp3]Standing within a circle of amplifiers the musicians are only using the feedback of their guitars. Their unusual and performance is a remarkable cross among avantgarde, Noise Rock and Free Jazz.

In addition the Feedbackorchester can be regarded as a Berlin Noise Supergroup, featuring Guenther Schickert (Samtvogel), Dario Lehner (Metabolismus), Hendrik Kröz (Miwon), Andreas Meyer (Antihairball), Giles Schumm (Les Hommes Sauvages), Kerl Fieser (Ex-Mutter) and the renowned artist Anselm Reyle.

Feedbackorchester | Live in Berlin

The concert places of the Feedbackorchester are always deliberately chosen. They already performed at the Stasi headquarters and the Parochialkirche in Berlin, the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig, and now at the Friedenskirche Charlottenburg.

Feedbackorchester  LIVE

Sunday, 22 Januar 2012 | 18:00 CET
Friedenskirche | Bismarckstr. 40 | 10627 Berlin/Charlottenburg

feedbackorchester.de | die-friedenskirche.de