D/B Recommended: Felix Kubin, On + Brr, Gelbart & Broca Areal @ Bei Roy Berlin | Friday, 31.08.2012

He is a child living in the body of Juri Gagarin. He is empty like corpse. His eyes move slowly like radars.

First comes the idea then the technology. Children are angels, sometimes they fall into nothingness. He is Juri’s ventriloquist.

Felix Kubin, messenger of exploding lungs, lives and works against gravitation. At the age of 12 he started composing electronic 4-track music.

Felix Kubin | Hotel Supernova

His activities comprise futurist pop, electroacoustic and chamber orchestra music, radio plays, lectures, workshops and his label Gagarin Records.

He has been involved with the noise project Klangkrieg, the communist singing group Liedertafel Margot Honecker and the tetchy teenage bands Die Egozentrischen 2 and x2.

Felix Kubin | Lightning Strikes

Recently, he works a lot with the ensemble Integrales. He also has now started his own 7inch only label which he has named Apolkalypso.

At bei Roy, he celebrates the first label and record release night. The initial plan is to release ten 7inches in small batches of a hundred. Felix Kubin is supported by On + Brr, Gelbart and Broca Areal.

Felix Kubin, On + Brr, Gelbart & Broca Areal  LIVE

Djs: Alexa Desaster, Booty Carrell, Itty Minchesta

Friday, 31 August 2012 | 21:00 CET
Bei Roy | Ziegrastr. 13 | 12057 Berlin/Neukölln

felixkubin.com | beiroy.de