Felix Kubin with Mitch & Mitch @ NK Berlin, Monday 27.01.2014

Even after having studied Felix Kubin – his various projects and ventures, seen him perform, watched, read, heard, his work…one may still find themself grasping to answer: who is Felix Kubin? And on this occasion Felix Kubin is joined live on stage with the asstonishingly wonderful Mitch & Mitch collective. Indeed this show marks the start of their 5 date German tour together.

Mitch & Mitch

For those unaware, and under the mezmerisation for the worlds unfolding by going into the deep matter of his work or yet obeying the sudden urge to swing their feet when being at one of his concerts, still, in the back of the head, there’s questions: Is he a scientist with the precious bonus of being an artist?

Felix Kubin | Lightning Strikes

Or is he an artwork telepathed from a space that he created himself as the original artist? Yet what came first? The art or the artist? Or is he an actor playing a character playing an artist that plays the original Felix Kubin? We shall not know.

Felix Kubin w/ Mitch & Mitch | Live @ Worm

Felix Kubin (born Felix Knoth, 1969, Hamburg, Germany) is an electronic musician. He has been involved with music since he was 8 years old, when he studied piano, organ and glockenspiel. His youthful experiments really took off in 1980 when he got a Korg MS-20 synthesizer. His early works have been released under the title The Tetchy Teenage Tapes of Felix Kubin. During this time he also played in a punk band Die Egozentrischen 2. In 1987 Felix Kubin co-founded an experimental noise group Klangkrieg with Tim Buhre.

Felix Kubin | Agitabo

His first solo album Filmmusik was released in 1998 by Gagarin Records, Felix’s own label founded in the same year.Kubin regularly collaborates on theatric and animation productions, writes radio plays and is a self-described dadaist. His musical influences include contemporary classics such as Karlheinz Stockhausen and György Ligeti, as well as groups such as Kraftwerk and DAF.

Felix Kubin & Mitch & Mitch
presented by Eine Welt Aus Hack & D/B

Monday, 27 January 2014 | 20:00 CET
NK | Elsenstr. 52 | 2.Hinterhaus Etage 2 | 12059 Berlin/Neukölln

felixkubin.comnkprojekt.de  | mitchandmitch.com| eineweltaushack.com