Picture: Witch n Monk by Camille Blake
Picture: Witch n Monk by Camille Blake

FLUID FORM CLUB #6: 13 Year Cicada x Witch ‘n’ Monk at ausland / Saturday, 8.6.2024

FLUID FORM CLUB presents passionately unpredictable music that escapes classification, for a community of curious minds. This is a monthly series hosted by Witch ‘n’ Monk who will perform at Fluid Form Club #6 with instrument hackers and euphoric plot twisters 13 Year Cicada. They will be joined by Sanja Star who will perform live visuals throughout the night.

All three members of 13 Year Cicada play samplers plus instruments. Philip plays drums plus sampler, Hotti plays bass plus sampler, Zooey plays keys/sings plus sampler. Their journey as a band reaches back seven years, and their gelling as human and musical collaborators promises many more to come. All three musicians have a background in jazz which they managed to escape quite early on in their careers – not because they lack the love for the genre but because becoming a part of a less elitist and more DIY scene seemed important (ok, also sometimes moshpits are just more fun than chairs).

Defiantly original duo Witch ‘n’ Monk combine Mauricio Velasierra’s radically electrified Latin American flutes, with Heidi Heidelberg’s jazz-punk guitar/bass and anarchic soprano vocals. The music travels seamlesly from structured arrangements to wild improvisations, using a myriad of control pedals and labyrinthine signal paths to orchestrate live. The essence of their collaboration is encapsulated in the name; dark/light, feminine/masculine, punk/Romantic. Creating contrast is fundamental to their work and thus they tread upon the edges of genres.

Sanja Star’s artistic practice is heavily influenced by the concept of frequencies – the building blocks of the universe according to quantum physics. By delving into the mysterious realm of these vibrations, she seeks to visually represent the hidden workings of the universe and shed light on the enigmatic laws that govern it.

FLUID FORM CLUB #6 w/13 Year Cicada x Witch ‘n’ Monk

Saturday, 8.6.2024 | Doors 20:00 | Starts 21:00 CET
ausland | Lychener Strasse 60 in 10437 Berlin
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