Hauschka w/ Alma Quartet and Ava Bonam at Volksbühne / Monday, 01.01.2018

A great way to start 2018 with a special new years day concert by Hauschka and the Alma Quartet with support from Ava Bonam.

Wood, felt, aluminium foil, ping-pong balls and gaffer tape are just some of the materials and objects Düsseldorf-based sound researcher Volker Bertelmann uses – under the pseudonym Hauschka – to explore the prepared piano’s limits. With the wafting, babbling and pulsating rhythms of his arrangements as a foundation, versatile melodies varying in speed and timbre grow out of Hauschka’s organic sound – from the grand piano out into the concert hall.

The result is a mosaic of pop, classical, avant-garde and electronica, sonic frameworks that make people take notice, not only in concert halls, but in theatre contexts and the film industry as well. Hauschka returns to the Volksbühne for his traditional New Year’s concert with support from the Alma Quartet, some of Amsterdam’s most accomplished orchestral musicians.

Inspired by artists such as Tori Amos and Marissa Nadler, Ava Bonam fills the first half of the evening with elegant piano arrangements condensed around spherical vocals.

Hauschka w/ Alma Quartet and Ava Bonam

Monday 1st January 2018 | doors 19:00 CET | Start 20:00 CET
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz | 10119 | | Event @ Facebook