D/B Presents: ICAS SUITE: Sculpture & Grischa Lichtenberger @ West Germany Berlin | Wednesday, 05.09.2012

The ICAS SUITE BERLIN is a unique, collaborative music festival that evolved from the collaboration of more than 35 festivals and music initiatives around the globe.

Four days brimming with concerts, club nights, and workshops at venues around the Kotbusser Tor open up a colorful panorma of leftfield pop music holding out on the fringes of forced marketability.

ICAS member Alpha-ville Festival (London) joins forces with Digital in Berlin to present an exiting and challenging audio-visual evening  with Raster Noton’s artist Grischa Lichtenberger and multi-talented British duo Sculpture.

Sculpture | Elk Cloner

For their ICAS SUITE performance, Sculpture will be presenting their “Rotary Signal Emitter” audio video picture disc, on which the kaleidoscope effect of loops and colors is accompanied by a strange amalgam of found sounds, Plunderphonics, ancient electronic music recalling the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, and twisted rhythms (imagine Felix Kubin playing Dubstep), all mixed hands-on on the spot.

Grischa Lichtenberger’s focus is not only on musical expression, but on the process of creating art in general. Fascinated by the complexity and difficulties of communication and material referenciality, Lichtenberger seeks to overcome the dominance of functional interpretations while maintaining an open access to technology and production. His aim: to release art and music from the confines of the material, and of present societal constructs.

Grischa Lichtenberger | ATM

Expect a night of energetic sound and visual experimentation that will push further the exploration of different styles, mediums and practices.

This event is highly recommended by Digital in Berlin! We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets. Just send a mail to win@digitalinberlin.de with “ICAS Suite 2012” as the subject.

Sculpture & Grischa Lichtenberger  LIVE
presented by Digital in Berlin

Wednesday, 05 September 2012 | 21:00 CET
West Germany | Skalitzer Str. 133 | 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg

tapebox.co.uk | grischa-lichtenberger.com