Barbara Morgenstern, T.Raumschmiere and many more at SO36 Berlin / Friday, 11.12.2015

As part of this Decembers Ich Bin Ein Berliner event, D/B faves Barbara Morgenstern and T.Raumschmiere will perform live concerts at SO36. Besides BM and TR there will be many other live acts and DJs so this is sure to be a good Friday night.

Three years after her previous English-language album “Sweet Silence”, Barbara Morgenstern is in possession of a marvellous new metaphor for a shining new principle for her work. The concept was actually a hint from Justus Köhncke, who appears on this pre-album EP “Beide” right with the very first track “Übermorgen” – thus forming a wonderfully bright double star with her. This vocal duet can truly be described as a physical phenomenon, which shall soon also accompany us in the ether, in other words: On the radio.

Then over to the next star, Robert Lippok, with whom Morgenstern has crossed paths on numerous occasions over the course of her career: They seem to dreamily revolve around each other elliptically. Their interaction on the piece “Scrambler” therefore requires no words, as this electronic instrumental clearly shows.

“Gleich ist gleicher als gleich” took shape in the studio of the musician Lucretia Dalt, previously of Barcelona, now in Berlin, and appears on this EP – like with “Übermorgen” – in a longer version than on the upcoming album. Finally, “Kein Weg” was created in the studio of Schneider TM, and is the most intense and kraut-oriented track on this EP.

Nine more of these double star manifestations will follow later this summer on the “Doppelstern” LP, each of which originated in different studios, across continents and across neighborhoods. The mixes for all the tracks were completed by T.Raumschmiere, which brings high coherence to the most diverse of constellations. It holds together well – one might even say: Almost like a solar system.

T.Raumschmiere is known for his take-no-prisoners approach to his live sets, which feature distorted beats, grueling basses, and steep descents. Now for the flipside, the negative image of the sound that made T.R. famous, the sound that has allowed us to get closer to the understanding of this magic ambient music. If we go by Eno’s definition, the music on T.RAUMSCHMIERE’s new album is not ambient.

Although – or in fact, because – each individual track on this album immediately and effortlessly generates atmospheres, it is impossible not to be drawn in. T.RAUMSCHMIERE sucks the listener into the perceptible endlessness of his pulsating sounds, even though the music does not actually expect anything from the listener. It is not demanding, it does not sound lofty or ethereal. It is in constant movement and evolution while sounding grounded at the same time. The tracks are not weightless; they have body.

Barbara Morgenstern & T.Raumschmiere and many more LIVE + DJs

Friday, 11th December 2015 | 23:00 CET
SO36 | Oranienstr. 190| 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg | | | Event @ Facebook

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