D/B Recommended: Infinite Livez & Fump @ Mme Claude Berlin | Saturday, 12.01.2012

Former comic book illustrator and Gameboy graphic designer Infinite Livez offers a tangential take on UK hip-hop with bizarre and eccentric narratives.

According to his official biography, the Shadowless crew member and Chelsea Art College-educated rapper enjoys visiting museums, was a punk for a while and is a fan of surrealist writer Andre Breton.

The enigmatic Infinite Livez truly is at the extreme, taking existentialist hip-hop to a whole new level of existence! He has released a solo album on Big Dada in 2004, and 2 subsequent collaborative releases with Swiss minimal-electro-jazz group Stade, as well as numerous side-projects and experiments.

Infinite Livez | 4eversmiley

Fump’s “Pretentious Schmalz vs. Wohlgesonnen” plays with contrasts and genre convergences of electronic music. Fump juggles musical codes of different genres and combines them to unconventional compositions, full of profound beauty and brutality.

With a great feeling for dynamics and technical finesse, he creates a tense and hypnotic soundscape, that sometimes detonates eruptively and physically noticeable, but without neglecting the awareness of the audience.

The oscillation between stereotypes of the electronic club music industry – with a roguish and self-ironical wink – and a quiet and cautious sound cosmos, is probably the most characteristic in these varied arrangements.

Infinite Livez & Fump  LIVE

Saturday, 12 January 2013 | 21:00 CET
Mme Claude | Lübbener Straße 19 | 10997 Berlin/Kreuzberg

| fump.at