D/B Recommended: Inox Kapell – Entomological figures and stories @ Salon Renate Berlin | Friday, 25.01. + Saturday, 26.01.2013

Inox Kapell (born 1966) is a Dada/Fluxus artist, musician and entomologist.

In the early 80s he started to collect insects and build up an extensive knowledge on the subject.

He began to create his own fabulous and wonderful world inspired by his collection of six-legged friends.

Inox Kapell | Töne pflücken

From 2005 till 2009 he had the “Insekteum” in Berlin, Neukölln, where he displayed insect-art and kitsch and allowed people to visit his world.

Inox hails from the old-school Neukölln, back when it was rough and ready, pre-trendification. We want to celebrate these ties and his position as a member of the “underground”scene.

Inox Kapell | Das Insekteum

The exhibition will give you the chance to jump into his world and maybe even participate! Inox Kapell will sing and paint live and tell stories about insects.

25.01.2013 / open from 18:00 CET – music/painting 21:00 CET
26.01.2013 / open from 15:00 CET – performance/lecture 19:00 CET

Inox Kapell – Entomological figures and stories

Friday, 25 January & Saturday, 26 January 2013
Salon Renate | Weichselstr. 65 | 12043 Berlin/Neukölln

inoxkapell.de | salonrenate.com