Photo by Annemarie Sterian

Witch n Monk ‘Synaesthetic Suite’ at House of Music / Sunday, 3.4.2022

Behind Witch ‘n’ Monk are singer and guitarist Heidi Heidelberg and Colombian-born flutist Mauricio Velasierra. On their latest album, which was awarded the German Record Critics’ Prize, they use free improvisation, samples and sound effects to create a rhythmically multilayered universe that incorporates sounds from all over the world and at the same time is reminiscent of vintage prog rock in its complexity. Heidelberg’s varied, charismatic vocals and her melodic inventiveness, combined with Velasierra’s zigzagging, multi-layered flute patterns are by no means limited to empty bombast. Rather, they create effervescent atmospheres marked by pop precision, as if from another world. Together with perfume and aroma expert Klara Ravat, as well as a light installation, the concert becomes a unique live experience.

Heidi Heidelberg – vocals, guitar-bass hybrid
Mauricio Velasierra – flutes (quenas, mozeños), electronics
Klara Ravat – scent DJ

Ticket via eventbrite = 10,00€ plus advance booking fee
or 15,00€ at the box office

WITCH N MONK ‘Synaesthetic Suite’

3.4.2022 | Doors Open @ 20:00 CET | Starts 20:30 CET
House of Music | Revaler Straße 99 | 10245 Berlin

This is a 2G+ event. Beside your vaccination and recovery proof you need a daily negative test.

Jazzexzess | Event@FacebookTickets