Kamikaze Space Programme is a true sonic renegade, a genuine musical experimenter. Somewhere between a classic Musique Concrète and modern electronic approach, KSP’s music is made up of myriad samples, found sounds and white noise from real world situations, it lends the stuff a very real texture and aesthetic that links it to the here and now, the everyday, in a very real way. The sound of an old truck, the hiss of a kettle or the clunking of a door are all fair game for KSP, who then takes his strange sound sources and weaves them into infectious sonic tapestries and intricate rhythms.
1. If you believe that you’re truly one in a million, there are still approximately 7,184 more people out there just like you.
2. Plants grow faster if they are exposed to music.
3. Dead people can get goose bumps.
1. What is the biggest inspiration for your music?
I’ve always had an unhealthy obsession with dystopian themes, modernism, other worldly experiences, architecture, things that characterise whats human that doesnt belong in the natural order. I’m particularly interested in textures such as concrete and metal, static radio interference, radioactivity and the concepts where things would exist.
2. How and when did you get into making music?
Ive been playing music since I found out that playing Trumpet could get me out of English class when I was 9. Then I got into band s as a teenager playing bass guitar where band mates were slowly being replaced by machines.
3. What are 5 of your favourite albums of all time?
Future Sound of London – Dead cities
Manic Street Preachers – Holy Bible
Happy Mondays – Pills ‘n’ thrills and belly aches
Matthew Herbert – Plat De Jour
The Who – Quadrophenia
4. What do you associate with Berlin?
Weizen beer, creativty, amazing people, forever young, an early night is getting home at 11am, speggetti eyes ice cream, mind numbing bureaucracy.
5. What’s your favourite place in your town?
Crusing around Bristol with no destination on my vintage Italain scooter on the streets of Bristol without a care in the world!
6. If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?
Taking pictures of strange aband oned buildings and futuristic cityscapes, data moshing faces to great psychedelic effect.
7. What was the last record/music you bought?
Future Sound Of London – Archived Environmental Views.
8. Who would you most like to collaborate with?
The BBC Radiophonic workshop and Richard Thair (The Aloof / Sabres of Paradise/ Red Snapper) and its looks like both these are about to come true!
9. What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?
Primus at the Brixton academy in 1996, they had no props on stage, just amps ans a drum kit, and the performance was explosive, raw and downright weird. As a performer probably the first time I played, Berghain, The Liquid Rooms in Tokyo and playing the main stage at Atonal festival, these places feel like operating a cargo deck of an alien spaceship.
10. How important is technology to your creative process?
Hugely influencial, practical everything in our world changes because technology. Saying that I dont we should rely on technology for ideas, the technology is there to fascilitate your ideas. Sometimes it feels like there’s too focus the the process and not enough on the result. Thats been bothering me alot recently.
11. Do you have siblings and how do they feel about your career/art?
Closed thing I’ve had to brothers or sisters is growing up with Doberman dogs, I don’t think they cared much for my music, more barking and sniffing things.