Kometenmelodien w/ Kelela, Dan Bodan, Joey Hansom at Berghain Kantine / Saturday, 01.11.2014

Alternative R&B vocalist and songwriter Kelela was raised in suburban Maryland and didn’t have aspirations as a singer until she started studying jazz. Subsequent obsessions with Amel Larrieux and Little Dragon helped push her toward finding her own style – one she found after she moved to Los Angeles.

She connected with Teengirl Fantasy and contributed to the duo’s Tracer album on the song “EFX.” This led to meeting the Fade to Mind label’s Prince William, who exposed her to his associates’ lean yet sharp and deep productions.


Knocked out by what she heard, she provided vocals for Kingdom’s August 2013 single “Bank Head” (taken from the Vertical XL EP). With contributions from Fade to Mind and Night Slugs producers such as Kingdom, Bok Bok, Girl Unit, Jam City, and Nguzunguzu, Kelela sought to make a mixtape of tracks that sounded like remixes. The release, titled Cut 4 Me, was issued in October 2013 as a free download through Fade to Mind.

Berlin based songwriter Dan Bodan was born in the wide open Canadian prairies and raised in Montreal. Reared on the cities underground noise and experimental music scene, Bodan moved to Berlin 8 years ago. Blossoming in the cities unique mixture of crumbling old-world european values, start-up philanthropy, sleepless techno and epic grey skies, he began writing songs to soundtrack his train rides through the city and make sense of it all.

Working together with a team of world-class producers, poets and artists, he writes songs to fit comfortably in that space between the finger and the mousepad, the bedroom and the club, the earth and the ether.

Joey Hansom is an artist’s artist’s artist and the world’s greatest self-aggrandizer. He is the main force behind Godmother, a pop band that plays “oldies but newbies”. After 2012’s rogue “Theme Song from James Bond 23” racked up over 200,000 YouTube views, they followed by releasing “These Things Take Time” as a 7″ single.

No Fear Of Pop described the song as “exuberant, luscious, and delightfully kinky”, even going so far as to say it “effectively smashed the competition for 2013’s greatest lyric”.

Godmother converts new fans each time they perform, including support for Peaches and JD Samson. Meanwhile in the studio, Joey also collaborates with Alexander Geist and has crafted remixes for the likes of SSION and Light Asylum.

This event is presented by Digital in Berlin. Check out our Facebook page to win tickets.

Kometenmelodien: Kelela, Dan Bodan, Joey Hansom

Saturday, 01st November 2014 | 22:00 CET
Berghain Kantine | Am Wriezener Bahnhof | 10243 Berlin/Friedrichshain

soundcloud.com/kelelam | soundcloud.com/dan-bodan | soundcloud.com/joeyhansom | berghain.de