Kontraklang 11 w/ Ute Wassermann, Michael Vorfeld and Fredrik Olofsson at Heimathafen Neukölln / Saturday, 12.12.2015

The excellent Kontraklang series comes to a close with one final even for the year this time featuring Ute Wassermann, Michael Vorfeld and Fredrik Olofsson.

In December the darkest time of year is particularly dark. Kontraklang takes this opportunity in its last concert of 2015 to feature not only sound, but also light. With its new concert-performance for sound and light Talking Electric, the Vorfeld/Wassermann duo present a surprising, humorous cycle of audiovisual pieces around the theme of language and communication. From electric fireside stories to voice and guttural vocals, talking drum rhythms, and light signals, through compositions with punchcards and body contact microphones emerges a musical and performative arch full of idiosyncratic forms of articulation.


Michael Vorfeld, musician and visual artist, play percussion and self-built instruments and creates electroacoustic sound works. Vorfeld develops site-specific installations and performances with light and sound, and works with photography and film. He is a member of numerous groups and collaborates with artists from diverse backgrounds. His multifaceted activities include concerts performances, and exhibition throughout Europe, the US, Asia, and Australia. Vocalist Ute Wassermann is known for her multivoiced nonverbal sound language, which she brings in various forms to experimental and contemporary music. Additionally she masks her voice with bird whistles, resonant objects and speakers, creating a hybrid vocal instrument. She works in unconventional concert formats such as as voiceXtensions, also together with Michael Vorfeld. A particular interest of hers is site-specific performances in spaces with unique acoustics.


Fredrik Olofsson studied composition at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm and the School of Music in Piteå. He has worked since 2000 as a software and electronics developer for art installations and also as a performer of pieces for electronic music and video. In addition to diverse collaborations and residencies he teaches computer music at the Universität der Künste, Berlin. On this evening Olofsson will present two new pieces: Little Green Men and The Green Era. Little Green Men can be considered an audiovisual experiment with strong and weak sound signals. The Green Era works with rotating sounds and graphics and their hypnotic effects. That both pieces contain the word “green” in the title is no accident: Olofsson works conceptually and after a ten-year “red period”, changed to the color green one year ago.

This event is presented by Digital in Berlin. Check out our Facebook page to win tickets.

Kontraklang 11 w/ Ute Wassermann & Michael Vorfeld: TALKING ELECTRIC | Fredrik Olofsson

Saturday, 12 December 2015 | 20:00 CET
Heimathafen Neukölln | Karl-Marx-Straße 141 | 12043 Berlin/Neukölln

kontraklang.de | heimathafen-neukoelln.de | Event @ Facebook