Kontraklang presents: hubraum at Alfred-Scholz-Platz / Saturday, 29.8.2020

On August 29th KONTRAKLANG brings contemporary music to public space. The event features a new work by Antje Vowinckel for four cars with subwoofers. They ride in blasting the audience with pop music from open windows, then arrive in a quartet formation.

Four musicians sit in the automobiles manipulating, filtering, and otherwise alienating the prerecorded music. A layered bass texture emerges. Higher frequencies in the form of car sounds such as horns or blinkers creep in — the pop quartet becomes an installational sound quartet. An everyday image of street traffic thus becomes material for a sound art performance.

Kontraklang presents: hubraum

with Antje Vowinckel: HUBRAUM (2020, world premiere of the quartet version) | Performers: Antje Vowinckel, Burkhard Beins, Chris Heenan, Mazen Kerbaj

29.8.2020 | Doors 17:00 CET | Starts 17:00 CET
Alfred-Scholz-Platz in 12043 Berlin-Neukölln


Picture: Antje Vowinckel by Kopf und Kragen Berlin

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