KRAKE Festival / Various Locations Berlin / 03-08.08.2015

KRAKE is an annual Berlin based fes­ti­val for chal­leng­ing elec­tronic music brought to you by Killekill. Krake means octo­pus and the fes­ti­val is organ­ised in a com­pa­ra­ble way: reach­ing out to selected loca­tions dur­ing one week pre­sent­ing the best in elec­tronic music, what­ever style it is.

The fes­ti­val is not huge, not expen­sive, does not have big spon­sor­ing deals or four dif­fer­ent colour area passes. It’s just a good and so far suc­cess­ful try to bring back the focus on artists who dare to step off the beaten tracks. A fes­ti­val for music lovers.


Sum­mer 2015 the Kraken will rise again, bringing up a full week of great elec­tronic music straight from the depths of the Berlin and inter­na­tional under­ground, leav­ing behind all small minds and fraidy cats. The over-all set up will be the same as last year:

A week start­ing with an arty night on Mon­day, the classic Wednes­day night at Berghain Kan­tine, a bomb night of modern techno on Fri­day at Sui­cide Cir­cus, and the peak of the fes­ti­val on the last day, where we com­bine the areal of Urban Spree with that of Sui­cide Cir­cus to offer a mas­sive fes­ti­val place, to wan­der around between six floors full with music and arts.

This year’s Krake takes it to the next level with Cassegrain & Tin Man (live), Sendai (live), Electric Indigo (live), Mondkopf, Bintus, Ekman and many more…


May it be like minded Berlin networks such as the Same­heads or Robot Army crews which both will run floors on the final may­hem on Sat­ur­day, or the vivid body art and per­for­mance scene which we present on the Wednes­day night at Berghain Kan­tine. High­light in this concern will be the label bou­tique on Tues­day, where we have selected the finest labels of the Berlin under­ground to present them­selves dur­ing day­time, sell their stuff and dis­cuss big ques­tions of mod­ern times.

To round the whole thing off, we have set up an exhi­bi­tion of music-related and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary art fea­tur­ing Robert Henke’s laser instal­la­tion “Destruc­tive Obser­va­tion Field” and Sonic Robots’ “MR-808 Inter­ac­tive”, a robotic 808 the size of your wardrobe, which will be acces­si­ble at Urban Spree all week.

For the full line-up and the detailed timetable, check out the website:

Tickets can be purchased directly from the Killekill webshop.

Krake Festival 2015

Monday, 03.08. – Saturday, 08.08.2014

Urban Spree | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain
Berghain Kantine | Am Wriezener Bahnhof | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain
Suicide Circus | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain | | |

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