Lucrecia Dalt and Colleen at HAU / Thursday, 01.02.2018

A perfect double bill of female alternative pop performers at HAU1 this 1st of February with Colleen celebrating the release of her new record on Thrill Jockey and Columbian Berlin resident Lucrecia Dalt completing the double bill.

French artist Colleen is fearless in her willingness to explore new sounds and new ways of creating music as a solo performer. On her new album A flame my love, a frequency she introduces the most drastic change to her music since she began singing on her fourth album. A chance encounter with a Critter and Guitari synthesizer at King Britt’s Philadelphia studio on the Captain of None album tour cracked the compositional model wide open.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3786226534 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

Colleen bought a Critter and Guitari Pocket Piano with the aim to use it through a newly-acquired Moog filter pedal to create new and interesting rhythms to accompany her voice and viola da gamba. But it turned out the sounds of this viola and rhythm combination was not what she was looking for, so in typical Colleen fashion, she set the viola da gamba aside altogether and picked up an additional Critter and Guitari synth, the Septavox, dug out her her trusted Moog delay and dove right in.

Lucrecia Dalt is a musician, sound artist, and radio producer. Her work develops around her interests in repositioning fiction, time perception, scale, telluric affect, vocoding and sound dynamics. Lucrecia Dalt holds a Civil Engineering degree. Lucrecia Dalt draws from a wealth of artistic and philosophical influences, from New German Cinema, geotechnics and artificial intelligence to the ethics of listening and technological ideas of the future. She has released five solo albums, has worked with European artistic institutions, producing podcasts for Radio Web MACBA and making sound design installations and performative pieces in collaboration with visual artist Regina de Miguel.

Lucrecia Dalt and Colleen

Thursday 1st February 2018 | Doors 19:00
HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU1) | Stresemannstr. 29 | 10963 Berlin |

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