mikromusik – Festival of experimental music and sound art at St. Elisabeth-Kirche & Villa Elisabeth / Thursday-Sunday, 01-04.09.2016

mikromusik is a Festival of experimental music and sound art. The first week of September, St. Elisabeth-Kirche and Villa Elisabeth will be the scenario for installations and concerts by DAAD Artists-in-Berlin program as Joanna Bailie, Kaffe Matthews, Arditti Quartett (Irvine Arditti, Ashot Sarkissjan, Ralf Ehlers, Lucas Fels), denseland (Hanno Leichtmann, David Moss, Hannes Strobl), Alessandro Bosetti and many more.

mikromusik plays on the many possible meanings of its title, oscillating between the microtonal and the microphoned, harmonies and resonances, phonemes and articulations, reflections and refractions. The focal point of the festival are the distinguished or new works of the current and former guests of the DAAD program.

The program for this year focusses on experimental voice work: the project ‘Real Time Voices’ of the Neuen Vocalsolisten Stuttgart/Musik der Jahrhunderte accentuates the versatility of the voice using electronics and we also join vocal performance pioneer David Moss in celebrating his 25 year anniversary since his Berlin debut. The program is enhanced with sensory bicycles, camera obscura, noise & feedback and dynamically floating string quartets.

Check-out the whole program at: berliner-kuenstlerprogramm.de

Mikromusik – Festival of experimental music and sound art

Thursday-Sunday, 01-04th September 2016 | 21:00 CET
St. Elisabeth-Kirche & Villa Elisabeth | Invalidenstraße 3 | 10115 Berlin-Mitte

berliner-kuenstlerprogramm.de | Event@facebook




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