D/B Movie Feature: Neds (Non-Educated Delinquents) by Peter Mullan

Inspired by his own rebellious youth, Scottish actor and director, Peter Mullan (The Magdalene Sisters) is currently exhibiting his latest film, Neds, through the film festival circuit.
Neds is an acronym for Non-Educated Delinquents. The film follows the semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story of a young man drawn into the world of gangs in 1970s Glasgow. Neds has no release date yet, but has already won the top prize at San Sebastian.

The movie Neds is inspired by his time in a Glasgow street gang. The Director Peter Mullan was interested in directing films at the age of 19 and he made several shorts. As he wasn’t admitted to the National Film School, he decided to dedicate himself to acting, and made his debut in the theatre in 1988 before moving to cinema and television. Craig Armstrong is scoring the music for Neds.

Peter Mullan on the Sed Neds

“I worked with murderers for a long time after I left university – one thing you realise about the gangs and the criminals is that it’s acting by another means. If you go into a bank or a shop and you want them to believe that you’re going to shoot them, that’s an acting exercise. If you want to turn to someone else who’s as tooled up as you are and persuade them to put their knife down because you’ll use your knife, that’s an acting exercise. Nine out of 10 delinquents are frustrated actors.” Peter Mullan

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