Neo Hülcker`s voice is breaking pt 1 at ausland / Thursday, 05.04.2018

Neo Hülcker`s voice is breaking. For this special unique and nonrecurring time the composer and performer asked 16 friendly composers to write pieces specifically for his voice break as a birthday present.
A first part of these compositions will be performed by Neo Hülcker tonight – followed by a second premiere-night at ausland later this year in autumn that’ll feature the remaining pieces by the other composers.

The compositions deal with different aspects of the breaking of the voice: Edward Henderson, for instance, works with all the fine delicate nuances and breakpoints of a breaking voice. In Henry Wilde’s pieces, the breaking voice is captured through laughter and the medical explanation of the breaking voice’s biological processes is translated into a graphical score. Andrea Neumann confronts Neo Hülckers voice with a larynx microphone that starts to develop a life of its own just as Neo Hülcker`s voice.

Christian Kesten works with the tradition of yodeling, which seems to perfectly suit the phenomenon of the voice break…

Neo Hülcker’s breaking of the voice pt.1

05.04.2018 | Doors 20:00 CET | Starts 20:30 CET
ausland | Lychener Straße 60 | 10437 Berlin | neelehuelcker.deEvent @ Facebook

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