No Music Day 21st November

Bill Drummond (formery one half of the KLF together with Jimmy Caughty) founded No Music Day in 2005. The 21st of November being the day before the 22nd of November, which is the feast of St. Cecilia – the patron saint of musicians.


This year his 5 Year plan  reaches completion. To mark the occasion he is cooking soup at the hoerstadt festival in Linz, Austria.

Since the incomparable success of his techno-pop project KLF, Drummond has now turned his back on the music industry, and indeed recorded music altogether. With his new choir project, The17, he aims to support his claim that “all recorded music has run its course”. In 2010 No Music Day will be open for all to interpret as they see fit.

And for those at a loss of what to do in a world without music, here are some suggestions. Drummond has even published a list of 10 Films To Watch on No Musc Day all of which contain no, or only minimal incidental music.