Peacelove: Luci Lippard, Henry Andersen, Lucrecia Dalt at Raum Vollreinigung / Friday, 29.09.2017

Luci Lippard is a performance band formed in Berlin in spring of 2014 by artists Lucinda Dayhew and Hanne Lippard. Using drums, voice, synths, and songs, the duo makes noise out of poetry.

Beige from Hanne Lippard on Vimeo.

Henry Andersen is a Brussels-based visual artist and composer. Trained as a minimal and reductionist composer under the wings of Peter Ablinger, he moved from music into visual art, writing and sound performances. He will perform selections from his debut album, ‘Stanzas’ or ‘The Law of the Good Neighbor’ (released by KRAAK in July 2017), together with Kathi Hofer.

Lucrecia Dalt is a DJ who folds various forms of spoken word, musique concrète, and sound poetry into a dynamic mix.

Luci Lippard, Henry Andersen LIVE, Lucrecia Dalt DJ

29th September 2017 | Start: 20:00 CET
Raum Vollreinigung | Wassertorstraße 65 | 10969 Berlin | Facebook event

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