D/B Recommended: Pierce Warnecke “Textures” @ Ausland Berlin | Friday, 20.07.2012

Pierce Warnecke’s audiovisual performance Textures uses found objects, field recordings and video samples. Each performance is unique in that the material is collected on spot, then re-composed in realtime.

It is an exploration of granular surfaces, aged objects and deteriorated materials that have been collected because of their rich textures.

Materials selected for the piece are man-made items that have undergone sufficient deterioration to no longer be recognizable. These decontextualized objects have lost any signified meaning, usefulness and identity: they are in fact ideally abstract.

Pierce Warnecke | Live at FEED

The object is re-contextualized within the performance, in an abstract narrative form. It is paired with video and audio samples taken from the place the object was found.vEach iteration of Textures is therefore insitu, and location specific.

The result is an audiovisual study of the effect of time on matter: modification, deterioration and finally disappearance. Attracted at the same time by image and sound, Pierce Warnecke develops modules to forge his own audiovisual elements. For the presentation of the performance, he is joined by Thomas Ankersmit, Alberto de Campo, Nils Ostendorf & Louis Laurain.

Pierce Warnecke “Textures” – audiovisual performance

Friday, 20 July 2012 | 21:00 CET
Ausland | Lychener Str. 60 | 10437 Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg

piercewarnecke.com | ausland-berlin.de