PROGETTO POSITANO is a fellowship for young composers, established by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation in collaboration with ensemble mosaik in 2017: Following their residency in Italy, the ensemble presents the works of the respective scholarship holders in a double portrait concert in Berlin. With works by this year’s scholarship holders Jack Sheen and Ricardo Eizirik.
Jack Sheen presents a site-specific performance installation. A fragile, teeming ecosystem that stands on a knife-edge between stillness and movement, in which the real-time decisions of the performers, the movement of the audience and the space itself become unpredictable forces on the music. Ricardo Eizirik deals with the physical and social perception of sound and creates an experiential space for experimental sound exploration.
Jack Sheen is a conductor and composer from Manchester. His music ranges from orchestral works to performances and sound installations. He regularly collaborates with leading orchestras, ensembles and artists for concert and opera performances and interdisciplinary projects. As a composer, he has received numerous commissions from orchestras, ensembles and festivals throughout Europe. He has created large-scale site-specific sound and performance installations for galleries, museums and the Biennale di Venezia. He is curator of the London Contemporary Music Festival and co-founder of the LCMF Orchestra.
Ricardo Eizirik is a composer with a broad artistic spectrum, ranging from notated music to installation and performance works. His work focuses on themes such as body perception, colonial history, banality, the mechanization of society and the by-products of daily life (i.e. garbage, waste, noise, etc.). He also has a keen interest in historical representations of these themes and often appropriates objects, sounds and movements from historical sources for his work. He performs as a DJ and produces beats under the pseudonym “auto_timer”.
Progetto Positano by ensemble mosaik w/ Jack Sheen and Ricardo Eizirik
Wednesday, 23.10.2024 | Doors 19:00 CET | Starts 20:00 CET
silent green | Gerichtstraße 35 in 13347 Berlin-Wedding