Picture: Rosa Anschütz by Aylin Scheer
Picture: Rosa Anschütz by Aylin Scheer

Rosa Anschütz

Born in 1997 in Berlin and also based, Rosa Anschütz, is a composer, artist, and performer. In her work, she interrogates staging as a performative act or the installation of a medium. Her works function as the translation of her writing, which is eager to explore her environment and the constant search for the self within it.

Recording as a musician, Rosa Anschütz has released so far the EP (Rigid) and the Albums (Votive, Goldener Strom, and Interior).


1. Desire is master and lord.

2. She is a haunted house.

3. Let time be my friend and cherish what I have.

1. What is the biggest inspiration for your music?

High emotional response.

2. How and when did you get into making music?

I went into music through the old piano in our house at the lake,
Through my first rock band, my friends and venturing into the nights of Berlin in my teenage years.

3. What are 5 of your favourite albums of all time?

Actually it is not difficult, because I don’t see them fixated, it would be tiring.

At the moment it is Scott Walker Scott3, Paralysis by Robert Rental, The Seashell an the Clergyman by In The Nursery, Violet Sun by my big love Julia Shortreed and The Silhouette Of Us by Kotoko Tanaka.

4. What do you associate with Berlin?

My past and my future, a lot of people passing through this circumstance and all the water in and outside Berlin. My harbour Pankstrasse, Imren.

5. What’s your favourite place in your town?

Gesundbrunnen swimming pool

6. If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?

I wanted to become a comic author for a long time, before I could imagine to live from music. Possibly I would take a turn.

7. What was the last record/music you bought or listen?

I exchanged records with Phew at a gig in Tokyo, Title: Our Likeness, I couldn’t listen to it yet, because I am still in Helsinki, waiting for my connecting flight home.

8. Who would you most like to collaborate with?

The next voice that makes my heart race faster, I will write them.

9. What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?

I think it was my recent gigs in Tokyo. The first one was solo at the Goethe Institute, playing my latest Album Interior. I created new visuals before, which gave the stage a very majestic and cineastic presenence.

Second the gig with my friend Julia Shorted as our band Quantum Orange. Just both concerts were so professionally handled and on a level of charm and precision, I’d dare to expect at every venue.

10. How important is technology to your creative process?

Dependance, because when it breaks down, I am doomed. It is only a necessary tool, sometimes a toy but nothing I am interested to know more about or dominate it.

11. What can we expect from your performance at this year’s Pop-Kultur 2024 festival?

We are coming together with Julia Shortreeds band Black Boboi and the Berlin based musician Eddna, getting inside each other’s projects together and performing also new songs.

We will have a impressive surge of voices echoing through Palladium, I think one should hear it.