Schlammpeitziger at Acud / Wednesday 14.02.2018

Celebrating the release of his new album on Bureau B, Cologne dada-techno veteran Schlammpeiziger returns to Berlin for a dream Valentines Day concert at Acud.

In his search for inspiration Schlammpeitziger is the eternal pedant, following up the most inconspicuous leads to find different ways of making sense of reality. A magnetist’s curiosity drives this folklorist of the self deep into the thickets of the world. Where others get caught up in well-worn symbolisms or cling to new age rituals with their drones and flickering lights, Schlammpeitziger is taking it easy. He turns his toes inwards, rotates his hips and beams light signals up into the dark. Jo Zimmermann has the primal funk, a beat that can thread anything together.

That certain clap, the short gaps between accents, not to mention the physicality of the bass taking care of the lower levels. In all of this, Schlampeitziger’s own movements are an invitation to join his parade of mysteries. When the train comes to a stop the doors open so wide that anyone who is present will come on board as if they were mesmerised. And once the train leaves the station, trees, earthworms, wild women and mirror balls alike will go into a mad spin as if they’d only just unleashed. Hydraulicmeistershalbtagstanz.

The fact that, following releases on Entenpfuhl, A-Musik, Sonig and Pingipung, Schlammpeitziger’s new album is coming out on another great German idiosyncratic label such as Bureau B should not be overlooked by historians. Asmus Tietchens, Monoton, Conrad Schnitzler, Harmonia, Neu!, Richard Wahnfried, Der Plan, Schlammpeitziger, it all goes together perfectly. For those looking for a future that doesn’t reach back into the past but is searching for access to engrossment, Schlammpeitziger’s radiation therapy of sound should be just the ticket.

Schlammpeitziger LIVE

Wednesday 14th February 2018
Acud Macht Neu | Veteranenstraße 21 | 10119 Berlin


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