D/B Recommended: Sonic Network # 9: John Aslanidis & Brian May @ dr. julius | ap Berlin | Thursday, 06.10. – Sunday, 06.11.2011

dr. julius | ap is pleased to announce a cooperation of Australian painter John Aslanidis and Berlin-based British musician Brian May.

This will be the first vision + sound installation ever in the gallery of the New Concrete. The exhibition will comprise of a large painting, Sonic Network No.9, constructed of four panels measuring 244 cm in height by 304 cm in length, and a generative sound piece, which will be a response to the painting.

In the sonic network paintings John Aslanidis uses a set of mathematical intervals, which are relative to a grid on each of the four canvases. The drawing he derives these intervals from is akin to a “musical score”. This is a drawing of compositional intervals, which Aslanidis has used in composing the sonic network series.
It is from these compositional points that Brian May has written an algorithm which determines the characteristics and timing of the tones in relation to the points as conceived in the sound piece. The sine wave tones created are audio representations of circular forms.
Brian May’s sound piece will be using the programming language for sound synthesis SuperCollider to compose, produce and play the piece, which will be played in conjunction with the painting from a computer through a sound system for the duration of the exhibition.

The sound piece is generative and infinite, with no fixed start or end point in the composition. This correlates with the idea of infinity, a basic element of the sonic network series.
Consequently, the interaction between the sound piece, the painting and the observer will always be different, as the painting perpetually shifts upon being viewed and the sound piece emanating from SuperCollider mirrors this.

Brian May [* 1966 in Manchester, GB] has been producing and performing music across Australia, Japan, Europe and North America since 1990. Currently he is working as music producer and sound artist in Berlin, performing on a regular basis internationally.

John Aslanidis [* 1961 in Sydney, AUS] has a history working in the area of music and sound, having been part of Clan Analogue – a collective of sound and visual artists based in Sydney and Melbourne in the 1990s – and later being a visual artist on Zonar recordings, an electronic music label based in the late 1990s and early 2000s.


Sonic Network # 9: John Aslanidis & Brian May – Exhibition

Thursday, 06. October – Sunday, 06. November 2011
dr. julius | ap | Leberstrasse 60 | 10829 Berlin

johnaslanidis.com | www.dr-julius.de