Picture: Tamara Stefanovich by Olja Radmanovic
Picture: Tamara Stefanovich by Olja Radmanovic

Tamara Stefanovich

One of the leading exegets of contemporary piano repertoire today, Tamara Stefanovich dedicates herself to making the classical modern works as well as countless new compositions very much her own, captivating audiences worldwide with her uniquely tailored recital programmes or as soloist with the world’s leading orchestras.

She partners with ensembles such as Cleveland Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony and Philharmonic, BR Symphonieorchester, Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Mahler Chamber Orchestra, amongst others. Stefanovich performs at the world’s major concert venues and festivals.

Breaking new grounds, Tamara Stefanovich collaborates with Christopher Dell, Christian Lillinger and Jonas Westergard for the project “SDLW”. After its premiere at Kölner Philharmonie, the quartet performed in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Paris, Stuttgart and at Klangspuren Festival. Their first album, released on bastille musique in June 2022, has been praised for its inventive and exciting sound. Their second album “Extended Beats” won the German Record Critics’ Award in 2024.

Tamara Stefanovich opens on Saturday, 31 August, together with Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Sofia Jernberg, the Sonar Quartet, the Trio Catch and members of the
Zafraan Ensembles the Month of Contemporary Music 2024.


1. From Belgrade.

2. has the best 10-year-old son concert pianist who.

3. does black-and-white drawing and composes in time.

1. What is the biggest inspiration for your music?

My inner beast.

2. How and when did you get into making music?

With five years old after hearing Belgrade, Philharmonic.

3. What are 5 of your favourite albums of all time?

Keith Jarrett Radiance
Schubert Matthias Goerne
Bach cantatas John Elliott Gardiner
Skrjabin Sofronitsky
Stravinsky Sacre du printemps Boulez

4. What do you associate with Berlin?

Mix with f wild nature and even wilder culture

5. What’s your favourite place in your town?


6. If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?

Nature, my son’s voice

7. What was the last record/music you bought or listen?

My own CD on Bandcamp SDLW
Aka Pygmies/Ligeti

8. Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Israel Galvan dancer

9. What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?

Carnegie Hall, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Boulez conducted.

10. How important is technology to your creative process?

It is my most delirious state and wildest creative playground.

11. Please tell us a little bit about your performance at the Month of Contemporary Music in Berlin.

Come and be surprised!