D/B Recommended: Thurston Moore & Carla Bozulich @ Volksbühne Berlin | Monday, 05.12.2011

A biography of Sonic Youth, published three years ago, is entitled “Goodbye 20th Century”. The title of this book couldn’t be more suitable: Sonic Youth brought pop music into the 21st Century.

[audio:xxx-xxx.mp3]The principle of Sonic Youth is everywhere. Its original habitat is the New York city of the eighties – with its important avant-garde movements in the different artistic fields , which took a decisive influence on each other.

Sonic Youth co-founder and guitarist Thurston Moore carries forward the principles of the NYC avant-garde: interdisciplinary work; time and again the playful questioning and dissolving of traditional structures in favor of new, creative freedom; the research at the frontiers between harmony and dissonance, between melody and torture.

Thurston Moore | Benediction

Like Sonic Youth, Moore remains undogmatic and surprising: his album Demolished Thoughts (produced by Beck) is a veritable singer-songwriter record, which is arranged partly coolish and manifests similar moods as the work of Sonic Youth – but at any point sounds very warm.

Warm and emotional like the voice of Carla Bozulich, who is a kindred spirit and who supports Thurston Moore on this evening.

Thurston Moore & Carla Bozulich  LIVE
Monday, 05 December 2011 | 20:00 CET
Volksbühne | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz | 10178 Berlin/Mitte

myspace.com/treesoutside | carlabozulich.com | volksbuehne-berlin.de