TimeGeist II at Sowieso / Wednesday 05.10 – Thursday 06.10.2016

For two titillating nights, Sowieso will be home to TimeGeist II: Mini festival for improvised music.

Music improvisation is not only about abstract free form jazz and random interactive noise experimentation. TimeGeist puts a great bill together showing a wide spectrum of today’s improvisation, with several generations of musicians embracing different tactical approaches.

05.10 – Electric Night:

Mia Zabelka (AUT) – violin
Korhan Erel (TUR) – electronics
Justin Lépany (FRA) – electric guitar
+ Alex Kozmidi (UKR) – electric guitar

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/273790826″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


06.10 – Singles Night:

Mia Zabelka (AUT) – violin
+ Amine Mesnaoui (MAR) – piano
+ Justin Lépany (FRA) – electric guitar and voice
+ Samin Son (KOR) – electronics and voice



TimeGeist II

Wednesday 5th – Thursday 6th October 2016 | 20:30 CET
Sowieso | Weisestrasse 24 | 12049 Berlin/Neukölln

sowieso-neukoelln.de Event @ Facebook

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