unfamiliar home / Daniela Fromberg & Stefan Roigk at ausland / 12.-15.12.2018

“Unfamiliar Home” is a sculptural-architectural sound installation dealing with an omnipresent topic: gentrification. Basis of the work is the modernisation of the apartment building in Dänenstraße, Prenzlauer Berg between 2011-2013, in which the artist couple Fromberg/Roigk lives. The massiveness and sonic force of this constructional measure was as well inspiration for “Unfamiliar Home” as the fragility of personal circumstances that comes along with it: what it’s like to reside, against one’s own will, in the midst of a permanent construction site. In an overall perspective, “Unfamiliar Home” mirrors, in an artistically way, the latemost big wave of redevelopment in the former workers’ district of Prenzlauer Berg. Groundwork for the sound copmosition of the installation are some 400 hours of audio recordings taken from both the modernisation of the apartment building and the works on an adjoining land’s large construction site. A space-consuming construction made of old window casements and lumber constitutes the corresponding environment of the exhibition.

Daniela Fromberg (*1969) has studied fine arts with a focus on sculpture in public spaces and sound art in Hanover and Mexico. Her work encompasses a series of sculptural techniques, with a main priority on moulding and binding mixed media methods with natural materials and found objects. Through her interest in the human body in relation to spatial and architectural contexts, her artistic strategies reach from objects, installations, photography and performance. Due to her interdisciplinary approach, she involves these different medias as three-dimensional means of expression in her body of work and connects them to abstract narrative-based sculptures and installations.


Stefan Roigk (*1974) is a fine artist living in Berlin. Roigk deals with the borders of abstract sound collages, sculptures, installations, performance and graphical scores. His artistic focus is to direct fragments of everyday life into dynamic intermedia arrangements, which he creates with an exceptionally visual language as a transformatory principle for his concept of sound and music. The synaesthetic approach of his work lies in the transfer of sound parameters and processing techniques on other forms of artistic expression and disciplines. He is using the compositional and deconstructivist principles of musique conrète, assemblage, sculpture, visual music and industrial design to develop compositions, which are presented as stage-like installations with narrative impressions.

Vernissage on Wednesday, 12th December 2018 from 19:00 CET. Finissage on Saturday, 15th December 2018 from 21:00 CET with a concert from Heidrun Schramm. Free entry!

Sponsored by Musikfonds – die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

unfamiliar home / Daniela Fromberg & Stefan Roigk

Wednesday, 12th to Saturday, 15th December 2018 | Opening Hours 15:00 to 21:00 CET
ausland | Lychener Strasse 60 | 10437 Berlin

ausland | Daniela Fromberg | Stefan Roigk | Event @ Facebook