unSILENT movie w/ Lotte Reiniger x Jan Brauer at silent green / Thursday, 23.06.2016

With unSILENT movie, silent green joins a contemporary musician and a movie from the silent era for an experiment: images of a bygone aesthetics are set to music in a live performance, thus being transformed into a new narrative.

On June 23rd, Berlin-based musician Jan Brauer who also is part of the Brandt Brauer Frick trio, will create a new soundtrack for Lotte Reiniger’s „The Adventures of Prince Achmed“ from 1926. Lotte Reiniger herself moved between the arts and genres.


By relocating the oral tradition of fairytales to the cinematic and by merging techniques taken from silhouette animation and shadow theatre, she laid a cornerstone of the animation genre. „The Adventures of Prince Achmed“ is her only feature film, made up of about 100.000 frames – handmade in every movement, with impeccable eye for detail.

Jan Brauer works as musician, sound designer and composer in Berlin and has already been our guest with the Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble in September 2015. Now he will accompany „The Adventures of Prince Achmed“ with a DJ-Set in the cupola of silent green: we warmly invite you to join us for this very special audio-visual experience!

This event is presented by Digital in Berlin. Check out our Facebook page to win tickets.

unSILENT movie w/ Lotte Reiniger x Jan Brauer

Thursday, 23rd June 2016 | 20:00 CET
silent green Kulturquartier | Gerichtstr. 35 | 13347 Berlin/Wedding

wikipedia.org/Lotte_Reiniger | silent-green.net