White Fungus Magazine: Depopulate 04 @ NK Berlin | Saturday, 01.02.2014

White Fungus Magazine Presents: Depopulate 04 … with Schneider TM / Betty Apple / Wang Fujui / Noise Steve / jd Zazie & Billy Roisz / Marije Baalman. Dirk Dresselhaus aka Schneider TM’s new album “Guitar Sounds” is a sonic exploration of the electric guitar and the 2nd part of the ‘Sounds’ album series which started out with the release of *Construction Sounds* on Bureau B.

Technical perfection is not paramount on Guitar Sounds. The focus is on spontaneity, improvisation—if the result is flawed in the classic sense of the word, this concerns him not one iota.

Schneider TM | Überzahl

Dresselhaus is interested in atmosphere, in the intensity and magic of the initial moment when decisions are made and played without knowing which direction they will take or where they might end—music without a safety net, so to speak.

Betty Apple is an artist who is at the forefront of a new wave of experimental sound art in Taipei, drawing upon performance art to and electronic music to create powerful works that have propelled her rapid rise in the island’s art scene.

Betty Apple | Vibrators Love Sound

Apple came to sound composition from a background in theatre before moving into sound and studying under Wang Fujui at Taipei National University of the Arts. She is an accomplished producer of electronic music and DJ but also works with noise and range of aberrant textures.

Wang Fujui is one of the pioneers of Taiwanese noise and digital art. His light installations, video projections and noise performances challenge the parameters of our sense perceptions and suggest an in-between space both within and beyond a range of technologies.

Wang Fujui | LSF 46

New York hyperrealist composer Noah Creshevsky described Wang’s performance as being both “purposeful and un- purposeful at the same time”, and his light installation as “hypnotic”.

Born in Bolzano (IT),  JD ZAZIE is a DJ, turntablist and sound artist based in Berlin. Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background JD Zazie  has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound.
In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities.

JD Zazie | Turntable Music Night 7

As a solo performer, in small groups or large ensembles she moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.

Intended as music instruments CDjs, turntables and mixer are her tools to mix the specific sound-sources she plays (mostly electronic music, electroacoustic music, musique concrète, field recordings and improvised music).

Billy Roisz | Live at Corruptive Climate

Since late 1990s, Billy Roisz dealt intensively with video and sound. Her work focuses on  the links and gaps between visual and auditive perception. Roisz questions the interaction between sound and image, the interchangeability or unity of the electromagnetic signal in the generating machines which creates image or sound.

The realisation of her experiments takes place in live performances, single screen works and audio-visual installations, solo or in collaboration with musicians of experimental music and noise as well as composed new and old music, dance and theatre.

Marije Baalman | Wezen – Gewording

Marije Baalman is an artist and researcher/developer working in the field of interactive sound art.Her current research goes into the use of wireless networks for live performance (such as dance and music), installations and interactive environments.

In her artistic work she is interested in the realtime components of the work, in that nothing is precomposed as such, but rather the (mostly, but not exclusively) sonic output depends on realtime interactions, be it of the performer, or of the audience. Thus composition becomes more the composing of behaviours and interaction modalities, creating processes, rather than fixed sound tracks.

With only a grade-school education, Steve Chen (a.k.a. Noise Steve) has worked as a newspaper boy, a plumber, an electrician, a construction worker, a record store clerk, a bartender, and a DJ. Influenced by the rave parties popular in Taiwan at the end of the 1990s, Chen and some friends began to organize a series of do-it-yourself, guerrilla-style raves in such locations as a hair salon and outside a roast duck shop.

After viewing the noise art performance Static Riot by Wang Fujui, Chen decided to change course and pursue noise art.

This event is highly recommended by Digital in Berlin! We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets. Just send a mail to win@digitalinberlin.de with “White Fungus at NK” as the subject.

White Fungus Magazine Presents: Depopulate 04 … with Schneider TM / Betty Apple / Wang Fujui / Noise Steve / jd Zazie & Billy Roisz / Marije Baalman.  LIVE
presented by D/B

Saturday, 01 February 2014 | 20:00 CET
NK | Elsenstr. 52 | 2.Hinterhaus Etage 2 | 12059 Berlin/Neukölln


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