Woodmas 2016 at Ehemaliges Stummfilmkino Delphi Berlin / Saturday 15.10.2016

Join in on Berlin’s second Woodmas to celebrate the spirit of Ed Wood – famed Worst Director of All Time and notorious for his eccentricities.

Woodmas is the Woodian Christmas, the biggest day of the year for Ed Wood fans worldwide. It is a celebration of what Wood himself stood for – following your dreams, being proud of who you are, and the constant search for happiness through unforgiving bad taste and a complete disregard of what others think.

On WOODMAS it is customary to cross-dress, wear angora, exchange (not so great) gifts, drink (a lot!) and be yourself regardless of the judgement of others. Celebrate your inner (or outer) freak and join us for Woodmas!

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/mohairsam/berlin-ballroom-live-mix-by-dj-lobotomy-dj-mohair-sam/ width=620 height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]


Screening of ‘Glen or Glenda’ (OmU)
DJ Lobotomy (bizarre-retro-tunes on vinyl)
XXX-Rated Ed Booth
Drink Special: Vodka Gimlets by Absolut (Ed Wood’s favourite drink!)
Angora and Cross-Dressing (Wear your favourite outfit for a Woodian Photo Shoot)
(unwanted) Gift Exchange

Woodmas 2016

Saturday, 15 October 2016 | 20:00 CET
Ehemaliges Stummfilmkino Delphi Berlin | Gustav-Adolf-Straße 2 | 13086 Berlin/Weißensee

edwood.org | Pre-sale tickets | Event @ Facebook